CH + A r c h i t e c t s, L t d.
since 1995| full services| architectural & architectural engineering
We have years of experience, we started by doing interiors, residential renovations all primarily in Chicago Metro area. Today, we handle a variety of projects, from new construction to rehabilitation and additions. The firm’s expertise is in three specific areas: Residential, Interiors and General Commercial Sustainable Design including Project Management Construction Services. In the Residential category, we have designed rehabs, additions and new construction for several hundred clients, primarily Chicago metropolitan areas. Our residential work has received local attention in awards such City of Palos Hills Home Beautification Committee Award (2007), Top Design Firm ranked by total (2007) revenues, or Best of Chicago Metro Area (2011) Architects & Builders. In the General Commercial area, we have been involved with a range of clients: Individual, Corporate, Medical, Not-for-Profits, Retail, Private.